Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Infektiologie, e.V.

ESPID Summer School 2024: Athens, Greece

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The 1st ESPID Summer School aims to enrich knowledge in Vaccinology for a small select group of 30 participants, chosen among ESPID members. The scientific program developed by the ESPID Board along with a distinguished faculty of globally recognized experts in Vaccinology aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of various facets of vaccinology. The topics covered will include immunology, vaccine development, clinical trials, regulatory processes, emerging vaccines, vaccination strategies and policies, program implementation, addressing vaccine hesitancy, managing humanitarian emergencies, and exploring social, ethical, financial, and communication considerations.

ESPID will cover the costs of registration and accommodation for all selected participants. Successful participants will need to cover the cost of travel to attend the Summer School.

* Travel Grants will be issued to members from LMICs to help cover the cost of flights incurred to attend the ESPID Summer School.

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